Transparent Language Blog

Learn English in Context with Free Online Lessons Posted by on Jun 1, 2015 in For Learners, Learning Material Updates

Are you (or your students) tired of your English textbook, but a short novel still feels like a stretch? English in Context is your happy medium!

In this monthly series, English learners and students will pick up new words, phrases, and grammar rules in context while exploring everyday topics, ranging from current events and culture to science and technology. So far we’ve investigated the hottest job in Antarctica and explored to beautiful city of Boston. In the coming months, subscribers will improve their English while learning about new research on sun exposure (just in time for summer!) and visiting the astonishing Redwood National Park, among other exciting topics.

english in context lesson

Each intermediate-level lesson focuses on a short text, which learners can read and listen along to a native speaker. A suite of learning activities, including comprehension questions and sentence reconstruction, prompts learners to demonstrate understanding of the text and the language used within it. Use the lessons as a resource for your students, or work through them on your own!

Sign up for English in Context via email and receive a free new lesson in your inbox every other week, or access the archives, as well as more English courses, supplemental vocabulary, and beyond in Transparent Language Online. 

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About the Author: Transparent Language

Transparent Language is a leading provider of best-practice language learning software for consumers, government agencies, educational institutions, and businesses. We want everyone to love learning language as much as we do, so we provide a large offering of free resources and social media communities to help you do just that!


  1. mram:

    I hope to learn a lot of languages more than one

  2. Shno:

    I want learning English.

  3. mansouri:

    i am interested to learn English via Transparent Language

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