Transparent Language Blog

Archive for November, 2015

5 Transparent Language Online Libraries Named America’s Star Libraries Posted by on Nov 30, 2015 in For Libraries

Library Journal recently announced the results of their 8th Index of Public Library Service. Of the 7,663 libraries scored on the index, only 261 were named “Star Libraries”. We were thrilled to find 5 Transparent Language Online libraries among them! The LJ Index was designed to acknowledge and promote public libraries in America. It also…

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The Single Most Important Arabic Word Posted by on Nov 25, 2015 in Archived Posts

Itchy Feet: Inshallah

Listen, I like procrastinating as much as the next guy. I like to live in the moment, you know? And sometimes that means not doing things that would make that moment boring and unmemorable, and pushing that burden on some future version of yourself that will hate you. I’m not the worst procrastinator in the world…

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Learn More Than 100 Languages in Transparent Language Online Posted by on Nov 23, 2015 in For Businesses, For Learners, For Libraries, Learning Material Updates

100 languages

You can never know enough languages. That’s why we add a few new languages to Transparent Language Online each year. Over time, our language scientists have experimented with several dozen languages that we never released to our individual consumers (though you may have seen these languages before if you were ever registered through a subscribing…

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There is no Arabic Posted by on Nov 18, 2015 in Archived Posts

Itchy Feet: Vanilla Arabic

Indecision. It’s the worst. Just the word sounds nasty. Too close to “incision” for my taste, like something sharp and precise but brutal. Not being able to decide between options is crippling. It’s like being frozen by some kind of cruel ice witch, unable to move forward or side to side or even backward. It…

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Why You Should Definitely Be Watching TV for Language Learning Posted by on Nov 16, 2015 in Archived Posts

Have you ever spent an entire Sunday binge-watching your favorite Netflix shows, only to end the day feeling like a useless lump? Now imagine if you could waste away for six hours in front of the TV and instead call it ‘study time’. For language learners, the television can be more than the mind-melting piece…

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Nothing in Moderation Posted by on Nov 11, 2015 in Archived Posts

You’ve got to hand it to the Moroccans – or Algerians, or Tunisians, or pretty much anyone from any of the other Maghrebi (Northwest African) countries – they know a good thing when they see it, and they decide to have as much of it as humanly possible. In this case, we’re talking about sugar. Yes…

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Is the Internet Creating New Languages? Posted by on Nov 9, 2015 in Archived Posts

With the expanding ability for people all over the world to connect with each other, the Internet has spawned an unprecedented language revolution. According to, English is currently the most common active language on the Internet. This makes sense, since English is recognized as the predominant language of international business, diplomacy, science, air traffic…

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