Transparent Language Blog

Archive for May, 2018

There is no “cut-off age” for learning a language Posted by on May 14, 2018 in Archived Posts

There are many myths surrounding language learning: some people are “gifted” with a language-learning gene, raising children bilingual will impair their English skills, and there’s no need to learn a language anyway because everyone speaks English. While those myths have been repeatedly debunked in recent years, there is one misconception that persists: a cut-off age…

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Measuring the cost of learning languages Posted by on May 7, 2018 in Archived Posts

How much does it cost to learn a language? With the demand for language skills sharply increasing, there may be a more pressing question: how much is it costing us not to learn languages? An opinion piece in the Economist casually states that language learning has become so affordable that “the cost of learning a language…

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