Transparent Language Blog

Archive for August, 2020

Learn Spanish with Transparent Language Online Posted by on Aug 31, 2020 in For Educators, For Learners, For Libraries, Learning Material Updates

beginner conversations in spanish on transparent language online

Spanish isn’t only the second most spoken language in the US after English, it’s also the most taught language in US schools. With Transparent Language Online, Spanish teachers, Spanish students, and even libraries have access to excellent Spanish resources for all levels. Beginner Spanish Courses The Essentials Course 30+ hours of Spanish learning organized into…

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The #1 Tool for Remote Language Teaching: A Library Card! Posted by on Aug 27, 2020 in For Educators, For Libraries

library card languages

We’re less than a week away from the beginning of September, and you know what that means! Back to school! Or stay-at-home school! Or hybrid school! Or… this used to be a lot more straight forward, didn’t it? Wherever your kids or students find themselves come September, the Unsung Superheroes of the Pandemic have got you…

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Tips for Reading in Your Target Language Posted by on Aug 14, 2020 in Archived Posts

One of the most exciting milestones of learning a language is reading a book written in that language for native speakers. Whether it’s a slim volume like Le Petit Prince or a massive epic such as Cien años de Soledad, to start and finish a book in your target language feels like a badge of…

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STAYCATION to THE NETHERLANDS Posted by on Aug 11, 2020 in Archived Posts

After all the hiking and climbing we did in Nepal, we slept the whole way to Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, even through the change in Dubai, which was odd. Meeting us in Amsterdam is composer, pianist, and ex-pat Heather Pinkham, who has lived and worked in the Netherlands since 2014 and is excited to show…

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What Learning Foreign Languages Teaches You About Your Own Language Posted by on Aug 6, 2020 in Archived Posts

Hyperpolylgot Richard Simcott recently posed an interesting question to his Twitter followers: what have you discovered about your own language through language learning? (And yes, he speaks so many languages that even autocorrect was  dumbfounded, suggesting hyperpolyglot wasn’t even a real word.)  What have you discovered about your own language through language learning? — Richard Simcott (@SpeakinFluently) July 19, 2020 The…

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STAYCATION to NEPAL Posted by on Aug 4, 2020 in Archived Posts

After our time in Senegal, it’s time to go to Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport and hop a flight to Kathmandu, Nepal! As this region is known for its beautiful mountains (Mount Everest, maybe you have heard of it), we can expect a bit of turbulence. But once we touch down at Tribhuvan International, there…

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