Transparent Language Blog

Archive for October, 2020

“Practice” the language skills you need most with Transparent Language Online Posted by on Oct 19, 2020 in For Learners, For Libraries, Learning + Usage Tips

Practice 4 language skills in Transparent Language Online

If you want to improve a specific skill, you shouldn’t have to sit through an entire language course to practice the parts you need most. Make custom listening, speaking, reading, or writing lessons in seconds with the Practice activities in Transparent Language Online. It’s as easy as this: Pick a skill. There are 30+  activities…

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Only have 10 minutes to spend on language learning today? Refresh your Learned Vocab. Posted by on Oct 6, 2020 in For Learners, Learning + Usage Tips

Transparent Language Online learned vocab

As you probably know, language learning takes time and effort. Some days you’ll only have 10 minutes to spare, but you can make those 10 minutes count with Learned Vocab refresh. Refresh your learned vocab. Research consistently shows that proficiency levels increase in tandem with vocabulary size.1,2,3 In fact, of all factors contributing to language…

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