Transparent Language Blog

Archive for August, 2021

Are you up to the challenge? Posted by on Aug 18, 2021 in For Libraries

Transparent Language One Week Streak Challenge

This Library Card Sign-up Month, we challenge you to take advantage of your library’s language learning resources. And if your library offers free access to Transparent Language Online, you can join the One Week Streak Challenge! At any point during September, achieve a 7-day learning streak in Transparent Language Online and share it with us…

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Goodbye textbooks, hello authentic materials! Posted by on Aug 11, 2021 in For Educators

student on phone

Ever feel like you’re competing with your students’ phones for their attention? 📱 🙄 They’ve got the world at their fingertips now. But a new language opens up a whole new world, too. Make your classroom just as interesting as the real world by incorporating authentic materials. (Come learn how our instructors do it on…

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