Tag Archives: Latin sentences
Latin Language in Hamilton Musical Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Jul 29, 2020

Salvete Omnes, The sensational historical musical that has been a smash hit on both Broadway and now in most people’s homes thanks to Disney+. The musical is based on the 2004 biography Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow with the twist of rap, hip-hop and other modernization that only the Lin-Manuel Miranda could dream. Alexander Hamilton is…
Ablative Revisited Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Jun 29, 2020
Salvete Omnes, This summer I am looking forward to hearing your request for translations and reviewing portions of texts that you are interested in – however before doing so – I wanted to revisit a post I wrong almost seven years ago on the Ablative to include more examples and information for this new journey…
A Latin Love Triangle: Zeus, Echo and Narcissus PART II Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Apr 30, 2020

Salvete Omnes, Let us continue in the fashion of the February post, I wanted to wrap up this brief translation of Echo and Narcissus. The story of Echo and Narcissus is best known from book three of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, a Latin narrative poem in 15 parts which emerged around AD 8, whose unifying theme is transformation…
Final Fantasy XV: Latin song “Somnus” Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Feb 1, 2020

Salvete Omnes, I hope everyone is having a wonderful 2020! I have been a bit under the weather between a sinus infection and gallbladder issues so I have been spending allot (and I mean A LOT) of time sitting up and playing video games. So, I thought about what would be fun but to explore…
Latin Spells Deciphered from TV Shows Part II Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Jun 30, 2019

Salvete Omnes, Many people hear the “Latin” and think – well no one speaks Latin anymore. Beyond the classrooms and religious building, Latin is most commonly spoke in the land of Hollywood. However, Hollywood does not always do their homework when writing Latin. First of all, why magic must be Latin is never made sense…
Latin Spells Deciphered from TV Shows Part I Posted by Brittany Britanniae on May 31, 2019

Salvete Omnes, Many people hear the “Latin” and think – well no one speaks Latin anymore. Beyond the classrooms and religious building, Latin is most commonly spoke in the land of Hollywood. However, Hollywood does not always do their homework when writing Latin. First of all, why magic must be Latin is never made sense…
Hobbitvs Ille: Part IV Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Dec 31, 2018

Homework Just in case you are catching this post late. We are on the final translation of the first sentence from the beginning of Hobbitvs Ille: in foramine terrae habitabat *hobbitus: nec foedum,sordidum madidumque foramen, nec extremis lumbricorum atque odore caenoso impletum, nec etiam foramen aridum, inane, harenosum, in quo nihil erat ad considendum aut edendum aptum; immo…