Brazilian states: Amapá Posted by carol on Nov 30, 2020 in Brazilian News, Brazilian Profile, Culture, Geography, Learning, Vocabulary
“Do Oiapoque ao Chuí” (From Oiapoque to Chuí). This is a very typical saying in Brazil that is used to refer to something which extends throughout the national territory. Oiapoque and Chuí are two cidades (cities) located at the very opposite extremos (edges) of our country, the first in the northernmost of Amapá, and the second in the southernmost of Rio Grande do sul. But hold on! Our text today is not about Brazilian phrases, but about our estados (states), more specifically, Amapá. Besides featuring in this most beloved popular saying, since the beginning of November, the state has been in Brazilian notícias (news) spotlight for a much gloomier reason: federal neglect. Um apagão (a power blackout) caused by uma empresa privada (a private company) has overtaken over 90% of its territory. The issue had not been cleared until the end of November, driving the area into a state of calamity. Despite this sorrow tragedy that had momentarily plagued the region, Amapá is a gorgeous place full of natural wonders. Vamos conhecer um pouco mais sobre o estado?
With a larger extent than all of Greece, Amapá is located in the extreme north of Brazil, and its capital is the city of Macapá. Established only in 1943, when it seceded from Pará, today it faz fronteira (borders) not only with this state, but also with two South American countries, Suriname and French Guiana, in addition to being bathed by the Atlantic Ocean. As you might imagine, the climate there is quente (hot) and humid, with annual averages between 36˚C and 20˚C. The constant calor e chuva (heat and rain) throughout the year leads to a rich biodiversity, so it is no surprise that this state has dezenove (nineteen) areas protected by law that aim to preserve its mata nativa (native forests).
Dotted with cachoeiras, rios, praias e ilhas (waterfalls, rivers, beaches and islands) that make up the Amazon rainforest, eco-tourism is one of the highlights for those who visit Amapá. The pororoca, the Portuguese language name for tidal bores, that is, when rivers flow into oceans, is undoubtedly something to be seen and appreciated. The ondas (waves) formed by this encounter result in the ideal conditions for surfing.
A few kilometers from Macapá, the island of Santana is a great tour if you are on tight schedule but still feels like getting in touch with the exuberance of nature.
The main feature is the Samaúma trail, where many of these tree species, known as “mothers of the trees”, can be seen, in addition to several native animals. If your viagem (trip) is a little longer, we recommend 2-day stay at Tumucumaque Mountains National Park. With the help of local guides, you can immerse yourself in the heart of the Amazon rainforest.
As for Amapá culinária (cuisine), bears a lot of resemblances to that of Amazonas, with plenty of peixes de água doce, camarões, castanha do pará (freshwater fish, prawns, Brazil nuts), açaí berries, loads of regional fruits that can only be found there, besides many other delícias de lamber os dedos (finger-licking treats) And if you are over the age of 18, be sure to try the gengibirra, its typical alcoholic drink. Slightly doce (sweet), it contains ginger and cachaça in its composition, but other regional fruits are also used occasionally.
Have you ever heard of Amapá or even been there before? Share your tips to our readers, and don’t forget to comment what you think of our text. Até breve! See you soon!
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