Now before you start to think this post belongs in the German Blog, don’t go too far because you’re in the right place.
Oktoberfest in Blumenau, Santa Catarina, is an annual event that was originally created in the 1980’s to generate funds for the city after a severe flood took over most of the city. Why Oktoberfest? Well, Blumenau was founded by German immigrants in the 19th century, and this cultural enclave continues so much that many in the city still stick to German traditions and speak the language. After the first festival’s success, the city has hosted a little under 3 weeks of festivities every year for tourists from all over Brazil and the world and today is the second largest cultural festival in the country!
I had the privilege to attend this past weekend and my friends and I had a blast!

I even learned a fun song Oktoberfest Blumenau song:
Em Outubro eu também sou alemão! (In October, I’m also German)
Um ano de espera pra gente pular e se divertir
Que legal, vamos pra Blumenau
No Vale do Itajaí
Ainda aguardo na memória histórias que a gente viveu
Um ano se passou, quanta saudade ficou
Dezessete dias no Vale Europeu
Em outubro eu também sou alemão
Bem vestido, divertido como manda a tradição
Oktoberfest em Blumenau vou me divertir
O chope é bom demais, e a gente sabe o que faz
Se beber demais pra casa a gente vai de taxi
E se sobrar uma grana a gente leva de recordação
Chapéu e camiseta e guarda com carinho no coração.
It’s really just a drunken rendition of some sort of German fight song, but I had fun singing it nonetheless and had a great time being Alemã!
Can you guys think of any other fun cultural festivals in Brazil? How is this sort of festival different from cultural festivals in the US?