Soccer vocab in Portuguese Posted by carol on Jun 18, 2018 in Brazilian News, Brazilian Profile, Culture, Customs, Entertainment, Learning, Sports, Vocabulary
Vocabulário de futebol em português
Olá, meu povo! Hello, my people! Como estão? How are you?
Brazil is known by many as país do futebol (country of soccer), but since last Tuesday the whole world is now tuning in to keep up with the 2018 copa do mundo (world cup) in Russia! How about you? Today was Brazil’s first match, against Switzerland and the entire country stopped to watch it. So let’s take this opportunity to learn more about our national passion with some soccer vocabulary. This way, you will be prepared not only for the upcoming games in the world cup, but also to a future of many soccer matches that are part of our daily lives here. Show de bola!
estádio | stadium
- O estádio Luzhniki em Moscou é o maior do país | The Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow is the biggest in the country
camisa | jersey
- Quando o jogador fez um gol, ele beijou a camisa e acenou para a torcida | When the player scored a goal, he kissed his jersey and waved at the crowd
primeiro tempo | first half
segundo tempo | second half
- O time estava jogando mal no primeiro tempo, mas acabou se recuperando no segundo tempo |
campo | field
- O jogador foi expulso e teve que sair de campo | The player was red-carded and had to leave the field
bola | ball
- Neymar passou a bola para Coutinho | Neymar passed the ball to Coutinho
torcer | to support
time | team
- Para que time você torce? | What team do you support?
jogador | player
- Cristiano Ronaldo é considerado um dos melhores jogadores do mundo | Cristiano Ronaldo is considered one of the best players in the world
torcedor | supporter, fan
- Os torcedores do Barcelona lotaram o estádio na final do campeonato | Barcelona’s fans packed the stadium for the championship finals
jogo, partida | game, match
- Quem você acha que vai ganhar o jogo? | Who do you think is going to win the match?
árbitro | referee
- Quando o árbitro dá o apito final, o jogo acaba | When the referee blows the whistle, it is full-time
copa | cup
- A próxima copa do mundo, em 2022, será no Qatar | The next World Cup, in 2022, will be in Qatar
empate | draw
resultado | score
- O jogo terminou em empate, e o resultado final foi 1×1 | The game ended in a draw, and the final score was 1×1
More to come this week! Tchau!

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I loved it!!! It’s very helpful!!!!! Thanks!
@Lilian I’m glad to hear that, Lilian!
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