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What did Brazilians Google the most in 2020? Posted by on Jan 14, 2021 in Brazilian News, Brazilian Profile, Culture, Entertainment, Learning, Music, Sports, Vocabulary

Olá amigos leitores! We finally said adeus (goodbye) to 2020, certainly one of the most atypical years in modern history, where many of us spend most of our time almost exclusively inside our houses. Confinement led us to change our routines and come up with ways not only to trabalhar (work), but also to entertain ourselves at home. In this sense, the internet was a major ferramenta (tool) to help go through this delicate moment. If we look into os assuntos mais buscados no google (the most searched topics on google), it goes a long way towards understanding a little better how we dealt with this exhausted year of 2020. Ready to find out what Brazilians have been googling lately? 

O infame coronavírus (Image by Gerd Altmann por Pixabay)


As you would expect, buscas (searches) related to the new coronavirus were the most popular in 2020. Brazilians sought to find out a lot about the new virus, and searched from “What is a lockdown” and “What is a pandemic”, up to “como fazer máscaras de tecido” (how to make fabric masks) and more detailed information on the“auxílio emergencial”, a stimulus implemented by the federal government to help the population financially in the midst of the epidemiological crisis.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump (CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons)


Another assunto (subject) much sought after by Brazilians was the elections that took place in the previous year. The race between Donald Trump and Joe Biden got a lot of attention over here, and much pesquisa (research) has been done on presidential candidates of the United States. Even greater was the interest in searches for Brazilian municipal elections that also took place in 2020.


Not all is gloomy when it comes to Google searches, as a lot of people were finding themselves increasingly entediadas (bored) and looking for sources of entertainment. In addition to information about novelas (soap operas), the 20th edition of the Big Brother Brasil reality show was one of the hottest topics in the search engine. It is interesting that the question most commonly asked by Brazilians was “quem matou Max?” (who killed Max?), a personagem (character) from a 2012 soap opera, which had its re-run last year. Movies and Tv shows could not be left out of this list, and the most buscados (searched) were: “Pantera Negra” (Black Panther), “365 dias” (365 days), “Milagre na cela 7” (Miracle in cell n˚7), aside from “The Witcher”, “Cobra Kai” and “Anne with E”.

Bola de basquete (Image by tookapic from Pixabay)


When it comes to sports, futebol (soccer) is at the forefront of searches carried out by usuários (users), where the Copa do Brasil is among the 6 most sought after topics. Although Brazil is a country where football prevails in public taste and few other sports manage to compete with it in terms of national recognition, basketball seems be making a name for itself. NBA-related searches are new to the national repertoire, and have reached tenth place on the most searched list.

Abaixo você pode conferir a lista dos 10 principais assuntos pesquisados:

1) Coronavírus 

2) Auxílio emergencial 

3) Eleições 2020 

4) Eleições EUA 

5) BBB 2020 

6) Copa do Brasil

7) Google Classroom

8) Flamengo x São Paulo

9)  Classificação Brasileirão série A

10) NBA

O que os brasileiros andam pesquisando? (Image by Hebi B. from Pixabay)

But if you are still curious and want more details about the searches carried out in 2020, the google website makes the data available, which can be accessed here: (https://trends.google.com.br/trends/yis/2020/BR/). And what were the main subjects that you googled in the last year? What about in the country where you live? Don’t forget to comment below. Até a próxima, e um feliz 2021!


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