“Get Together”; Lotfi Bouchnak Posted by Fisal on Jan 28, 2015 in Arabic Language, Culture, Pronunciation, Vocabulary
Ahlan أهــْــلاً, Arabic lovers! Today is 28th January. This day five years ago was the epic day of the Egyptian 25th January, 2011 Revolution. The day was known as “The Friday of Anger جــمــعــة الــغــضــب“. It witnessed the biggest crowds that gathered in every place in Egypt. It also witnessed the biggest number of deaths. Since then, Egypt is still going up and down. No one can tell for sure that the revolution in Egypt has come to an end yet.
In this memory, I present today a poem by the late Egyptian poet Ahmad Fu’ad Negm أحــمــد فــؤاد نــجــم . Negm or El-Fagoumi as he was nicknamed, recited this poem for the first time at the first foundational conference of Al-Dostour Party حــزب الــدســتــور in 2012. The party was founded by the Nobel Laureate Dr Mohammad El-Baradei مــحــمــد الــبــرادعــي who was an icon of the 2011 Revolution.
The poem is called “The Strike الإضراب“. However, some people also call it “Get Together إتــجــمــّــعــوا” because this is the main idea of it. The poem is directed to the young people of the party and to all the Egyptian people to get together and get united under the goals of the revolution and against any kind of oppression or dictatorship. The poem was then taken by the Tunisian singer and composer Lotfi Bouchnak لــُــطــفــي بــُــوشــنــاق who made it into a beautiful patriotic song. I have made the English translation and I hope you will enjoy it.
Get Together
يا مقربين .. الفجر نوره ومطلعه
O, you who are getting nearer .. the dawn’s light and birthplace
مدوا المسامع في المجامع واسمعوا
Stretch the ears in every assembly and listen
صرخة مغني الحي من جوف العدم
To the scream of the neighborhood’s chanter from the heart of emptiness;
اتجمعوا .. اتجمعوا .. اتجمعوا
Get together .. Get together .. Get together!
باسم الإله الشعب .. رب المضربين
In the name of the God People .. Lord of strikers
الصايم .. المحروم .. على مر السنين
The one who is fasting .. deprived .. all the years long
يا منشدين الحي حيوا حينا
O, you chanters of the neighborhood .. greet our neighborhood
واحنا هنا عالعهد دايما مخلصين
And we are here, as always, sincere
محلا (مــا أحــلــى) القصايد في الشدايد .. والغنا
How sweet the poems at hardships are.. and the singing!
محلا (مــا أحــلــى) كلام الحب أوقات الشقا
How sweet the words of love are .. at wintertime!
احنا اللي تهنا عالطريق من بعضنا
We are the ones who strayed on the way from each other
متفرقين .. والسجن هوا الملتقي !
Dispersed .. and prison was our meeting place!
آه يا رفاق .. من متاهات الطريق
O, companions .. of the road mazes
لما الليالي بيتخنق فيها القمر
When the nights’ moon gets strangled,
يمشي الصديق في الضلمه يخبط في الصديق
The friend walks in darkness and collides into the friend
والسكه بنت الخطوتين .. تاخد سنه !
And the road that takes two steps, .. takes two years!
إحنا النهارده فين وكام ؟
Where and how many are we today?
وبكره كام ، وبعده فين ؟
How many are we tomorrow and where to after?
و كل يوم بنزور مكان
And every day, we visit a place
وكل يوم بنزيد عدد
And every day, we grow in number
وكل يوم نفتح بيبان
And every day we open doors
وكل يوم بنزيل سدد
And every day, we remove a barrier
وكل يوم يطلع بنا
And every day, a construction goes up
وكل يوم ينزل هدد
And every day a demolition goes down
وكل يوم نحبل غنا
And every day, we got pregnant with singing
وكل يوم نولد مدد
And every day, we give birth to sustainment
احنا كده .. لازم نكون
We are like this .. we must be
جوا السجون .. برا السجون
Inside prisons .. out of prisons.
محلا (مــا أحــلــى) القصايد في الشدايد .. والغنا
How sweet the poems at hardships are.. and the singing!
محلا (مــا أحــلــى) كلام الحب أوقات الشقا
How sweet the words of love are .. at wintertime!
احنا اللي تهنا عالطريق من بعضنا
We are the ones who strayed on the way from each other
متفرقين .. والسجن هوا الملتقي !
Dispersed .. and prison was our meeting place!
ملعونه قامه تنحني بالقهر من حاكم .. و خان
Cursed is the body that is bent by a ruler’s suppression .. and he betrayed
ملعونه كلمه تنتني في الحلق .. تهرب م اللسان
Cursed is the word that is bent in the throat .. that escapes the tongue
ملعونه ساعه تنحسب م العمر .. يطويها الخنوع
Cursed is the hour of life .. that is folded by submission
ملعونه لقمه مغمسه بالذل .. ملعونه الجبان
Cursed is the slice of bread that is mixed with humiliation .. cursed is the coward
آه يا رفاق .. آه يا رفاق
O, companions .. O, companions
ياللي عملتوا الصلابه للحجر
You who have taught stiffness to the rocks
بانده لكم
I am calling at you
وسط الكآبه .. والرتابه .. والضجر
Amidst sorrow .. monotony .. and boredom
يا مقربين .. الفجر نوره ومطلعه
O, you who are getting nearer .. the dawn’s light and birthplace
مدوا المسامع في المجامع واسمعوا
Stretch the ears in every assembly and listen
صرخة مغني الحي من جوف العدم
To the scream of the neighborhood’s chanter from the heart of emptiness;
اتجمعوا .. اتجمعوا .. اتجمعوا
Get together .. Get together .. Get together!
Check us back soon
Peace ســـَـــلام /Salam/

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About the Author: Fisal
Well, I was born near the city of Rasheed or Rosetta, Egypt. Yes, the city where the Rosetta Stone was discovered. It is a small city on the north of Egypt where the Nile meets the Mediterranean. I am a Teacher of EFL.