Dutch Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

The 2021 Dutch Eurovision Song Contest! Posted by on May 27, 2021

Eurovision Music Band

Last weekend, the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) was held. With more than 200 million people watching, it is one of the largest music contests in the world – and one of the longest standing. The first was held in 1956! With the 2020 edition skipped because of COVID, the 2021 ESC now also marks the…

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Untranslatable Dutch: Moetje Posted by on May 13, 2021

Welcome to a new post of Untranslatable Dutch. Here’s a word that I heard first from my oma (grandmother). This means that it may not be that relevant or useful anymore, but it’s nonetheless interesting! She told me what a moetje is – a “little have to”. Come again? Let me explain. Click here for more untranslatable words We…

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What’s Dutch about Dutch Gold? Posted by on May 10, 2021

Dutch metal Dutch terms

Today, we’ll look at a “Dutch”-term again – a shiny one! But is it just sheen? What is Dutch gold, or, more aptly, Dutch metal? For more posts in the “Dutch”-terms series, click here. What’s Dutch about Dutch metal/Dutch gold? Dutch gold or Dutch metal is brass that has a yellow color that makes it…

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Why German Chancellor Merkel Spoke to the Dutch on May 5th Posted by on May 6, 2021

Dutch Freedom Bevrijdingsdag

May 5th is an important day in the Netherlands. It’s Bevrijdingsdag (Liberation Day). This day marks the end of the Nazi occupation and the regained freedom of the Dutch people. Normally, this is celebrated with festivals throughout the country. However, like last year, there weren’t any festivals of course. The coronavirus is still ruining that. And…

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The Controversy Over The Dutch Health Council Posted by on Apr 21, 2021

Gezondheidsraad Health Council Covid Vaccine

Normally, you don’t hear much about it, yet it directly influences the beleid (policy) of the Dutch government. These past weeks, it made headlines, however, as it made some controversial advies (advice). I’m talking about the Gezondheidsraad (health council). Let’s talk about that council. How did it come to be, who’s part of it, and what is its influence…

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Curious Words in Dutch 8: Akkefietje Posted by on Apr 2, 2021

Brandy Akkefietje Aquavit Curious Dutch Words

Akkefietje – wat is dat nou weer? (what on earth is that?) I can hear my grandma say this word just reading it. But I never really understood it! What does this curious word mean, and what does it come from? Welcome to Curious Words in Dutch! Previous posts in this series: Curious Words In Dutch…

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Zondag Met Lubach: The End of a Dutch TV Show Era Posted by on Mar 29, 2021

Zondag met Lubach TV

Yesterday night was the last episode of the razend populair (extremely popular) comedy TV program Zondag met Lubach. Much like the American The Daily Show, Zondag met Lubach took news and “remixed” it into a satirical show. But now it’s over! Here’s what the show was like. Why does Zondag met Lubach stop? Since its inception in 2014, the show enjoyed a…

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