Dutch Language Blog

What’s Dutch about Dutch Gold? Posted by on May 10, 2021

Dutch metal Dutch terms

Today, we’ll look at a “Dutch”-term again – a shiny one! But is it just sheen? What is Dutch gold, or, more aptly, Dutch metal? For more posts in the “Dutch”-terms series, click here. What’s Dutch about Dutch metal/Dutch gold? Dutch gold or Dutch metal is brass that has a yellow color that makes it…

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Why German Chancellor Merkel Spoke to the Dutch on May 5th Posted by on May 6, 2021

Dutch Freedom Bevrijdingsdag

May 5th is an important day in the Netherlands. It’s Bevrijdingsdag (Liberation Day). This day marks the end of the Nazi occupation and the regained freedom of the Dutch people. Normally, this is celebrated with festivals throughout the country. However, like last year, there weren’t any festivals of course. The coronavirus is still ruining that. And…

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Curious Words in Dutch 9: Grapjas Posted by on May 3, 2021

We all remember that person in our high school that had to make a joke out of everything. Entertaining, annoying, whatever. One thing was clear: they were the class clown! The Dutch somehow liken such funny people with jackets, because their word is: grapjas (“joke jacket”). Wait, what? Previous posts in this series: Curious Words In Dutch…

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What’s That Bulge On The Dutch Coastline? Posted by on Apr 26, 2021

Maasvlakte Netherlands Map Haven Port of Rotterdam

When you look at the coastline of the Netherlands, it’s remarkable how smooth it is. Shaped by the sea, there are no jagged, rocky shores or edges. Except… Just above Zeeland, there’s a bulge. What’s that? Is it natural? Or another handmade piece of land? For other posts in the series Strange Places in the…

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Dutch Idioms 20 – Butter and Porridge Posted by on Apr 22, 2021

Welcome to another post in our series on Dutch idioms! Today it’s time for some more food-related idioms. Here are two uitdrukkingen (expressions) that combine the body and food in some weird ways. And somehow became well-known expressions. Let’s check them out. For other idioms in this series, click here. Boter op het hoofd hebben To live…

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The Controversy Over The Dutch Health Council Posted by on Apr 21, 2021

Gezondheidsraad Health Council Covid Vaccine

Normally, you don’t hear much about it, yet it directly influences the beleid (policy) of the Dutch government. These past weeks, it made headlines, however, as it made some controversial advies (advice). I’m talking about the Gezondheidsraad (health council). Let’s talk about that council. How did it come to be, who’s part of it, and what is its influence…

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All You Need To Know About the Dutch Tussen-n Posted by on Apr 19, 2021

Dutch tussen-n grammar in between-n

It’s Monday, so let’s talk about everybody’s favorite language subject: Grammar! I’m kidding of course, it’s nobody’s favorite. But it’s a pretty important part to convey what you want to say in Dutch. Today, let’s discuss something that even confuses native Dutch speakers at times. Let’s talk about the tussen-n (“in between-n”). The general rule So what…

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