French Music – What happened to the shop girl? Posted by Tim Hildreth on May 15, 2018 in Culture, Grammar, Music, Vocabulary
Last week I introduced you to the French singer Bénabar, and through him, to la petite vendeuse. As I mentioned, Bénabar’s songs tell stories. And fortunately for us, sometimes those stories se retrouvent et se rejoignent (find each other and connect) in other songs.
Un jeune vigile | A young security guard |
embauche en civil au grand magasin | Begins his day in his street clothes at the department store |
Il se déguise en cerbère, | He dresses up as a Cerberus |
sort du vestiaire talkie à la main | Comes out of the dressing room with his walkie-talkie in hand |
Il est un peu fragile le jeune vigile | He’s a little fragile, this young security guard |
et de loin on dirait | From far / over here one would say |
Qu’il est calme et serein, qu’il a peur de rien, c’est pas vrai | That he is calm and at peace, that he’s not afraid of anything, that’s not true |
Il a de l’ambition | He’s ambitious |
et s’inquiète à raison de ce que sera sa vie | And nervous with reason about what his life will be |
Coach sportif “ce serait mon kiffe”**, comme il dit | Sports coach “that would be the bomb” as he says |
Refrain | Chorus |
Il aperçoit une vendeuse à la gaieté trompeuse | He glimpses a seemingly happy sales girl |
qui vend des sacs | Who sells bags |
Lui les sacs il les fouille | Him, he searches through bags |
et quand il patrouille c’est pour qu’elle le remarque | And when we patrols it’s so that she will notice him |
Refrain | Chorus |
Gracile et gracieuse la petite vendeuse | Slender and graceful the little sales girl |
son cœur a ravi | Captured his heart |
Il la regarde et repère dans l’allée | He looks at her and catches sight in the aisle |
un pervers qui la regarde aussi | Of a pervert who is looking at her too |
Refrain | Chorus |
Il a chassé l’importun qui | He chases off the intruder who |
fuit comme un lapin, | Flees like a rabbit, |
la vendeuse lui sourit | The sales girl smiles at him |
Princesse sauvée par son preux chevalier qui rougit | Princess saved by her gallant knight who blushes |
Refrain | Chorus |
Le pervers est repassé bonnet sur la tête | The pervert is back hat on his head |
il l’a même pas coursé | He doesn’t even bother to give chase |
La vendeuse en congé, | The little sales girl is on leave |
pas de raison qu’il s’inquiète, ça l’a fait rigoler | No reason to worry, it even makes him chuckle |
Son humeur est joyeuse*** | He’s in a happy mood |
car la petite vendeuse il la retrouve ce soir | Because he’s meeting up with the little sales girl tonight |
Y’ aura des hauts des bas, ils seront heureux ou pas, on peut pas savoir | There will be highs and lows, they’ll be happy or not, no one can say |
Y’ aura des hauts des bas, ils seront heureux je l’sais pas mais je veux le croire | There will be highs and lows, if they will be happy I don’t know but I want to believe |
* Talkie-walkie is the French term for what in English we call a walkie-talkie. Va savoir pourquoi! (Who knows why!) According to this blog, it might come from a simple inversion / extension of the way French structures noun/adjective pairs (remember, the adjective generally comes after the noun it modifies as described in this post) but nothing is sure. Compare the following examples in French to their English:
un cheval de course (lit. a horse of race) = a race horse
un course de cheval (lit. a race of horse) = a horse race
** ‘kiffe’ (from the verb ‘kiffer’; slang imported from Arabic) means ‘something you love’, ‘to like, to love’.
*** What’s happening here? According to John, possessive adjectives are supposed to help us understand the genre of nouns in French. But if humeur were masculine (as the son would seem to indicate), then we would say “son humeur est joyeux“. The use of ‘joyeuse’ though tells us that ‘humeur’ is actually feminine. While you normally would find sa before a feminine noun, when that noun starts with a vowel or a silent h, as humeur does, then you need to use son (or mon/ton).
Pour en apprendre plus (to learn more about it)
One fun thing that attracted me to this album and these songs is that they produced a series of short videos featuring real people. You can hear from a real vendeuse here and un vrai vigile here.
Photo by from Pexels (CC0).

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