Tag Archives: holiday
Heiligabend – Christmas Eve in Germany Posted by Sten on Dec 25, 2017

It is Christmas morning! Frohe Weihnachten (Merry Christmas)! Today is the day that Jesus Christ was born. And it means waking up to presents, because Santa was there, too! But not so in Germany. Kids and adults wake up on December 25 without presents to unwrap. Do they not receive and give presents during Christmas? Oh…
German(s) At The Beach Posted by Constanze on Jun 12, 2017

Guten Tag! Summer is coming, and so this is the time when a lot of people start to plan their holidays. What better way to get you in the mindset for a holiday than by learning some German vocabulary ideal for a trip to the beach? Here is a collection of words you’ll need. I’ve…
8 Places To Visit In Munich Posted by Constanze on May 31, 2017

Guten Tag! Recently, someone asked me for recommendations for things to do in München (Munich) as a first-time visitor, so I thought I’d write my own little guide and share it with you all. For each attraction, I have included the nearest U-Bahn (underground) or S-Bahn (overground or ‘suburban’ trains) stop to get off at…
Nagivating A German Airport: Part 2 Posted by Constanze on Nov 2, 2016
Hallo! Last time on the blog I gave you all the vocabulary you need to navigate a German airport. This time I’ll give you vocabulary for things on the aeroplane itself, and some common phrases you might use and hear on a plane. Vocabulary: On the plane Take-off – die Abfahrt Landing – die…
The Most Important Day in the Year for Germany: Tag der deutschen Einheit Posted by Sten on Oct 3, 2016
Many countries have a national day, on which they celebrate or remember an important day in the history of the country. This can be an independence day, for example. The Germans do not have an independence day. Instead, they have a Day of German Unity. And it is celebrated today, October 3rd! What is meant…
German Nationalparks – Part 9: Jasmund Posted by Sten on Apr 30, 2016
In previous months, we have already explored a large part of the geschützte Schönheit (protected beauty) of German nature. We went to the windige Küsten (windy shores) of the Wattenmeer, the eindrucksvolle Felsen (impressive rocks) of the Sächsische Schweiz, the Jahrhunderte alten Wälder (centuries old forests) of the Bayerischer Wald, the Erzminen (ore mines) in the Harz, the Tiger (tigers) roaming around in the Eifel, the Tausend Seen (thousand lakes) of Müritz, the hohe Gebirge (high mountain…
German Nationalparks – Part 7: Sächsische Schweiz Posted by Sten on Mar 29, 2016
This is part 7 of the series here on the German Blog, the German Nationalparks, a series on the 16 National Parks of Germany. Last week, I wanted to make a post as well, but I was in Rome for a week and just couldn’t find the time. In the previous weeks, we went to the Bayerischer…