Transparent Language Blog

Archive for March, 2015

Play Ball… En Español! Posted by on Mar 31, 2015 in For Learners, Learning Material Updates

spanish baseball

Fear not, sports fans. We may be wrapping up the Multilingual Madness Tournament, but baseball season is just around the corner. This year, the Major League Baseball season will not commence with an international game as it has in previous years, so we’ve taken it upon ourselves to add a little international flavor to opening…

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Not Improving? Wrong. Posted by on Mar 30, 2015 in Archived Posts

My stepfather, Stan Hirsch, is a professional blues guitarist. His story is so classic it’s almost cliché: when he was ten years old he mowed lawns and raked leaves to save up money to buy his first guitar, and when he got it, he decided he wanted to be brilliant at playing it. He wanted…

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Transparent Language Library Spotlight: Jacksonville Public Library Posted by on Mar 25, 2015 in For Libraries, Library Success Stories

In 2011, things got a little brighter for the Jacksonville Public Library system in sunny Jacksonville, Florida: they subscribed to Transparent Language Online, providing their customers free language-learning resources in more than 80 languages. Inspired by his friends’ New Year’s Resolutions to learn a new language, Eric Soriano, a member of the library’s e-services team…

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What’s the Greatest Topic of Conversation Ever? Posted by on Mar 23, 2015 in Archived Posts

As language learners, we hope to find ourselves in conversations on a wide variety of topics. That’s really the point of all these conjugation tables, vocab flash cards and grammar drills, isn’t it? Sure, reading a foreign newspaper is great, watching TV shows and movies in their original language is rewarding and all that, but for…

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How Language Changes Our Perception of Color Posted by on Mar 18, 2015 in Archived Posts

Recently, the Internet has been abuzz with discussions about color, thanks to a now-notorious dress that some people perceive as gold and white, and others perceive as black and blue. There have been several explanations offered for this disparity, the most popular being that our perceptions vary based on how our brains interpret the amount…

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Announcing the 2nd Annual Multilingual Madness Tournament Posted by on Mar 16, 2015 in Archived Posts

Edit: The tournament is now closed. The competition was fierce, but mighty Bulgarian has come out on top in 2015! Congratulations to our contest MVP Marit Ombudstvedt! It’s that time again… Transparent Language’s 2nd Annual Multilingual Madness Tournament is here! Reigning 2014 champion Italian is ready to defend the title, but we’re switching things up this year. If…

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You’re Just Too Polite for Your Own Good Posted by on Mar 11, 2015 in Archived Posts

I have a bad habit that I often fall into when I speak a foreign language: I try to please the listener, at my own expense. Come to think of it, this might just be a bad habit of mine in general, in any language. Who doesn’t want to be seen a good light by the person…

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