Transparent Language Blog

Archive for April, 2015

How to find more time learning a language: Unlocking your true potential Posted by on Apr 29, 2015 in Archived Posts

Guest Post by Olle Linge of Hacking Chinese How long does it take to become fluent in a language? That question has been asked and answered countless times; the answers range from a few months to many years. This is partly because the word “fluent” is hard to define, but an even more important reason is…

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Language Learning in the Movies Posted by on Apr 27, 2015 in Archived Posts

This one is a pet peeve of mine. Now, I admit it’s only a pet peeve because language learning is something I do, and I don’t like seeing things I do misrepresented in the movies. But really, who hasn’t felt that way? I’m sure lawyers are constantly rolling their eyes at the way trial proceedings…

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How to Choose the Right Language-Learning Resource for Your Organization Posted by on Apr 22, 2015 in Archived Posts

How to Choose the Right Language-Learning Resource for Your Organization

In an increasingly connected and globalized world, schools, universities, libraries, corporations, and other organizations need to provide language training to their students, customers, and employees. While an individual learner might buy a program based on a friend’s recommendation or a simple ad on social media, institutions have more to consider when investing in a language-learning…

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The Genuine Joys of Procrastination Posted by on Apr 20, 2015 in Archived Posts

I remember reading somewhere about a study (now I can’t find it, of course; where do these things disappear to?) where researchers discovered that, of the writers they queried, 100% procrastinated. The conclusion? Procrastination is just a natural part of the writing process. As a creative, this was the best (and possibly also the worst)…

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Why Learning a Language is Like Running a Marathon Posted by on Apr 15, 2015 in Archived Posts

I have a confession to make. For the better part of my adult life, I have devoured numerous books, blogs, and websites about performance improvement – without seeing any actual improvement!  I’ve had the desire, the internal drive to improve… but with an equally powerful ability to rationalize my way out of hard work. For…

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How to Say “Paris” the Correct Way Posted by on Apr 13, 2015 in Archived Posts

Once upon a time, when I was living in Los Angeles, I saw a stand-up comedian, and like most amateur stand-up it was teeth-clenchingly awkward. At one point during his routine, however, he said something that has stuck with me ever since. I don’t remember the exact words (or indeed even this guy’s name), but…

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Transforming the Economics of Language Learning (Part 4) Posted by on Apr 9, 2015 in Archived Posts

Logistics?  Of language programs?  “Say what…?” In Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3, we talked about how to train and sustain language proficiency more efficiently and reliably. Getting that right can radically improve the economics of professional language programs in government, industry and academe. Just as transformative to the economics is changing when and…

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