Archive for 'Lesson Authoring Updates'
New Image-Based Learning Activities Posted by meaghan on May 5, 2020 in For Educators, Lesson Authoring Updates

Let’s get visual! Two new image-based activities are now available in the lesson authoring tool in Transparent Language Online for Education. We remember more of what we see than what we hear[1]—a fact that should be exploited particularly in language teaching. Images of objects bring vocabulary items to life and street scenes from far off…
There’s a lesson for that. Posted by meaghan on Mar 31, 2020 in For Educators, Lesson Authoring Updates

Or there could be in just a couple hours. A quick Amazon search for “advanced Spanish lessons” brings up 500+ results. But how many of those advanced Spanish lessons cover terminology relating to the ongoing crisis in Venezuela? Probably none. And what about materials for less common languages? A search for “Advanced Yoruba lessons”: zero…
New in Lesson Authoring: Lesson Unlocking, Excel Import, and More Posted by Transparent Language on Apr 30, 2019 in For Educators, Lesson Authoring Updates

Instructors using the CL-150 Platform and Transparent Language Online can create custom lessons using LessonGin, our lesson authoring technology for quickly building compelling, multi-activity language lessons that work on almost all common smartphones, tablets and laptops. We recently added a new batch of features and updates to LessonGin that give instructors more flexibility and control…
Designing Language Technology That is “Worth It” for Educators Posted by Transparent Language on Jul 2, 2018 in Class Management Updates, For Educators, Lesson Authoring Updates

Educators’ confidence in digital tools is increasing, but legitimate concerns remain. Not all ed tech is designed or implemented equally, so how can language teachers find the right tools to meet their needs—and the needs of their students? A 2015 report by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation found a shift in the perception of…