Archive for 'Learning Feature Updates'
Give Your Language Learning a Push with Daily Refresher Notifications Posted by Transparent Language on Aug 16, 2017 in For Learners, Learning Feature Updates

We’ve talked a lot lately about how to learn a language faster and more efficiently. The new Daily Refresher push notification applies what we’ve learned to improve your language learning experience. We’ve discussed how consistency is king. Learning in short bursts every day is more effective than cramming for a few hours every once in a…
Make the Most of Every Feature in Transparent Language Online—Now On Mobile! Posted by Transparent Language on Apr 24, 2017 in For Businesses, For Educators, For Learners, For Libraries, Learning Feature Updates

Learn on the go on any device! Transparent Language Online is now mobile responsive in all browsers on tablets and phones. For quite a while now we’ve given you multiple options to learn when, where, and how you want with Transparent Language Online: the web version, featuring our full suite of learning activities and content…
New Typing and Spelling Activities in Transparent Language Online Posted by Transparent Language on Mar 20, 2017 in For Educators, For Learners, For Libraries, Learning Feature Updates

What’s new in Version 2.2 of Transparent Language Online? New typing and spelling activities! Master the alphabet with Typing Tutor and Spelling Inspector, which are now available as Practice Activities for languages with alphabet courses. Learning to type in language is critical in today’s world of texts and emails. Being able to “write it down”…
Learn 100+ Languages On the Go with Transparent Language for iPad Posted by Transparent Language on Aug 3, 2016 in For Educators, For Learners, For Libraries, Learning Feature Updates

For language learners, time and place restrictions can be discouraging at best and extremely disruptive at worst. Mobile learning puts learners in control of when and where they learn, meaning downtime or periods of absence—from the daily commute to an overseas deployment—are suddenly more productive. That’s why Transparent Language Online is now available in full…
Welcome to Transparent Language Online 1.11 Posted by Transparent Language on Jun 15, 2016 in For Learners, Learning Feature Updates

Last year, we launched a new version of Transparent Language Online, featuring a more intuitive design, customizable learning path, and support on more mobile platforms, among other upgrades. We’ve enjoyed reviewing feedback from the many teachers, librarians, and individuals using the new system. While much of it was positive, there’s always room for improvement. In…
Practice Activities in Transparent Language Online Posted by Transparent Language on May 11, 2016 in For Educators, For Learners, For Libraries, Learning Feature Updates

There are four parts to the language puzzle: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. All of the courses and vocabulary lists in Transparent Language Online include a mix of activities to build all four skills. But what if you’ve mastered writing (or typing) a set of words and phrases, but you want to practice saying them?…
Maintain Your Language with the Learned Vocab Refresh System Posted by Transparent Language on Oct 14, 2015 in For Learners, For Libraries, Learning + Usage Tips, Learning Feature Updates

The only way to maintain language proficiency is to regularly interact with the language, but how do you do so when you’re not in school or not living among people who speak the language? Learned Vocab Refresh System The Learned Vocab refresh system in the CL-150 and Transparent Language Online removes the burden of tracking…