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Beef up your vocab 🐄 Posted by on Jan 23, 2024 in For Learners, Learning + Usage Tips

Add context to your learned vocab

If your 2024 goal is to improve your proficiency, vocab is the way. Proficiency levels have consistently been shown to increase in tandem with vocabulary size.1, 2, 3 And studies show that of all factors contributing to language proficiency, vocabulary size is by far the single most significant factor.4, 5, 6 In most cases, you’re looking…

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Transparent Language Online Year in Review 2023 Posted by on Dec 12, 2023 in Company News, For Learners, Learning Material Updates

new language courses in transparent language online 2023

According to Oxford dictionary the word of the year is “rizz”… mkay. For us, the word of the year has been depth! Learners have always been able to choose from a lot of languages in Transparent Language Online. 120+ languages at this point. This year we focused on adding more courses and more levels to…

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Transparent Language Online Wins 8th Modern Library Award Posted by on Jan 24, 2023 in For Libraries

Move over seven, eight is our lucky number now. We’re thrilled to receive our 8th consecutive Modern Library Awards Platinum Award for Transparent Language Online! The Modern Library Awards (MLAs) are like the People’s Choice Awards, but better because the voters are librarians evaluating the products they provide to their patrons. For the 8th year in a…

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Transparent Language Online Year in Review 2022 Posted by on Dec 23, 2022 in Company News, For Educators, For Learners, For Libraries

American Sign Language - learn fingerspelling online with Transparent Language

2022 was the year of new languages and special purpose courses in Transparent Language Online. We added our most requested language! Expanded the ESL collection to serve critical needs. Added eight more indigenous languages. And started building a series of courses to help business professionals live and work in our most popular languages. American Sign…

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Transparent Language Online wins 6th consecutive Platinum Award! Posted by on Jan 13, 2021 in Company News, For Libraries

transparent language online Modern Library Award

Fun things that come in sixes: strings on a guitar, washboard abs, sides on a die, senses (if you’re Haley Joel Osment), and our LibraryWorks’ Modern Library Awards! We’re thrilled to receive our sixth consecutive Platinum Award in 2021 for Transparent Language Online. The Modern Library Awards (MLAs) are like the People’s Choice Awards, but…

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Transparent Language Online Year in Review 2020 Posted by on Dec 30, 2020 in For Businesses, For Educators, For Learners, For Libraries, Learning Feature Updates, Learning Material Updates

COVID-19 News Lesson

What a year. Despite all of the challenges of 2020, you logged more hours than ever in Transparent Language Online. Thank you for learning with us! Whether you’re learning to have fun at home, to land a new job, or to connect with family from afar, let’s keep that momentum going. You won’t want to…

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Learn Spanish with Transparent Language Online Posted by on Aug 31, 2020 in For Educators, For Learners, For Libraries, Learning Material Updates

beginner conversations in spanish on transparent language online

Spanish isn’t only the second most spoken language in the US after English, it’s also the most taught language in US schools. With Transparent Language Online, Spanish teachers, Spanish students, and even libraries have access to excellent Spanish resources for all levels. Beginner Spanish Courses The Essentials Course 30+ hours of Spanish learning organized into…

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