Latin Words To Spruce Up Your Conversation Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Mar 31, 2019 in Latin Language
Salvete Omnes,
As I am a former Classical Studies student and almost graduate student, I try to keep up on my Latin and translations – but making time can be difficult. However, I do try to use at least one Latin phrase in my day-to-day conversation to keep the language alive. So, I challenge you for the next month to try using Latin in your conversations at work, at home, or even with friends.
Ad infinitum
Again and again in the same way; forever
Ad nauseam
Referring to something that has been done or repeated so often that it has become annoying or tiresome
Before the war
Aurora borealis
Northern lights
Bona fide
At, in, or of approximately
Cum laude
With honor
De facto
In fact or in effect, whether by right or not
Deus ex machina
An unexpected power or event saving a seemingly hopeless situation, especially as a contrived plot device in a play or novel
Homo sapiens
In absentia
In the absence
In toto
As a whole
Magnum opus
The largest or best work of an artist
Mea culpa
An acknowledgment of one’s fault
Non sequitur
A conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement
Per capita
Per person
Per diem
Per day
Per se
By or in itself or themselves; intrinsically
Persona non grata
An unwanted person
After death
By the very fact
Pro bono
For the good
Pro rata
For the rate
Quid pro quo
This for that
Rigor mortis
Stiffness of death
Semper fideles
Always faithful
Semper fortis
Always brave
Status quo
The situation in which or current condition
Under penalty
Repeat exactly
Vice versa
To change or turn around
Vox populi
Voice of the people

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Kathleen Braden:
Why is it not listed as Homo Sapiens as it should be?
Brittany Britanniae:
@Kathleen Braden Hi, the term Homo sapien, Latin for wise man or knowing man, is a singular phrasal noun. Like all Latin taxonomic names, Homo sapiens is italicized (not here). The genus name (Homo) is capitalized, and the species name (sapiens) is not. I hope this answers your question.