Transparent Language Blog

Online Language Courses for Professionals Posted by on Feb 11, 2020 in For Learners, Learning Material Updates

Prepare to live and work abroad with our “For Professionals” collection.

Think of this collection as the perfect Goldilocks middleground between basic language courses meant for tourists and highly industry-specific courses meant for a specific industry like finance.

After completing these beginner and intermediate courses, you’ll be able to use the language appropriately in real-life situations—whether you’re at work or out on the town.

Beginner Chinese for Professionals - Vocab Lesson

What will I learn?

Courses are broken into two levels: beginner (from true beginner to CEFR A1) and intermediate (from CEFR A1 to B1).

When you look at the language list below you’ll notice course lengths vary significantly. No templates here—each course has been made specifically for that language, level, and culture.

But in general, you’ll encounter a series of:

👉 60-minute reading lessons based around a natural conversation that models speaking objectives such as expressing opinions, making comparisons, or narrating in all tenses.

👉 30-minute vocab lessons drilling vocab relevant to unit themes such as making acquaintances, looking for a house, business technology, or the environment.

👉 15-minute grammar lessons introducing patterns seen in the conversations or vocab at that level

Lessons get more difficult as you progress along the units, but you’ll notice previously learned material popping back up throughout the course. That way we make sure you’re really retaining what you learn.

Can I learn it on my own?

The courses can be used independently—though we won’t make any dubious claims about going from true beginner to B1 with an online course alone. You’ll build a strong foundation of vocab, practice your reading and listening skills, and familiarize yourself with cultural norms.

With an instructor, you can put all of that knowledge to use in real conversations, which is one of the best ways to get up to a B1.

You can complete these courses with our tutors—or someone else!  For instructors who want to use these courses, we’ve included:

👉 Scope and Sequence documents that give overview of the learning materials and learning goals for each unit.

👉 Lesson Plans with a more detailed outline of each unit’s purpose, key concepts, and suggested in-class schedule.

What languages/levels are available?







Portuguese (Brazilian)




Interested in learning or instructing with our new “for Professionals” courses? Sign up for the free trial or log in to your Transparent Language Online account to access these courses today!

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About the Author: meaghan

Meaghan is the Marketing Communications Manager at Transparent Language. She speaks enough French and Spanish to survive, and remembers enough Hausa to say "Hello my name is Meaghan, I'm studying Hausa." (But sadly that's it).


  1. linda:

    love receiving my arabic word of the day. thank you for this program. this is a great way to maintain and refresh my arabic language skills. however, i really miss hearing a native speaker’s voice and although the speaker is proficient, it’s obvious her accent is not native.

  2. Amanda:

    I’m so glad to see intermediate courses added! I hate having to switch apps when I reach the point of advancing beyond the basics. I hope you will continue to add more intermediate courses, and eventually also create advanced (C1) courses for various languages.

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