Transparent Language Blog

New: Review your vocab using all 4 skills Posted by on Mar 7, 2024 in Uncategorized

Practice Activities Transparent Language Online

3,000-4,000. That’s how many words you’ve mastered by CEFR B1-B2ish. That’s a lot of vocab to keep up with! Learned Vocab makes it easy. It stores every word/phrase you learn. And prompts you to review at the right time. Until now you could only refresh your vocab with a simple yes/no flashcard-style activity. But with…

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Beef up your vocab 🐄 Posted by on Jan 23, 2024 in For Learners, Learning + Usage Tips

Add context to your learned vocab

If your 2024 goal is to improve your proficiency, vocab is the way. Proficiency levels have consistently been shown to increase in tandem with vocabulary size.1, 2, 3 And studies show that of all factors contributing to language proficiency, vocabulary size is by far the single most significant factor.4, 5, 6 In most cases, you’re looking…

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9x Platinum at the Modern Library Awards Posted by on Jan 12, 2024 in Company News, For Libraries

The word of the day is nonuple. You know double, triple, quadruple. But when you 9x something, it’s nonuple. We’re so excited to announce Transparent Language Online is now a NONUPLE Modern Library Awards Platinum Award winner! The Modern Library Awards (MLAs) are like the Oscars, but better because the voters are librarians evaluating the products they…

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Transparent Language Online Year in Review 2023 Posted by on Dec 12, 2023 in Company News, For Learners, Learning Material Updates

new language courses in transparent language online 2023

According to Oxford dictionary the word of the year is “rizz”… mkay. For us, the word of the year has been depth! Learners have always been able to choose from a lot of languages in Transparent Language Online. 120+ languages at this point. This year we focused on adding more courses and more levels to…

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Real World Collection “Distinguished” Level (CEFR C2) Posted by on Aug 15, 2023 in For Learners

CEFR C2 Chinese lessons

Say so long to the intermediate plateau with the most advanced lessons ever added to Transparent Language Online! The new “Distinguished” level in the Real World Collection is equivalent to CEFR C2/ACTFL Distinguished—that’s 36 hours of reading and listening practice at native-like proficiency. Analyze long, complex texts and learn to detect sarcasm, allusion, or bias…

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Workforce English Essentials Course Posted by on Jul 25, 2023 in For Businesses, For Learners, Learning Material Updates

business english tutoring

Don’t let language barriers come between you and your customers. Get your customer-facing employees conversation-ready ASAP with Workforce English Essentials. Unlike the typical Business English course, what employees learn is up to you (with help from our tutors if you’d like). No linear course with time wasted on things they already know or don’t need…

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Push past the intermediate language plateau with the Real-World Collection Posted by on Jun 13, 2023 in For Learners, Learning Material Updates

Every language learner will get stuck on the dreaded intermediate plateau. It’s the point when traditional materials made for learners stop being engaging and effective. But authentic sources (news, podcasts, novels) are still really challenging. You feel like you’ll never improve. We’ve launched a new collection to fill that gap and get you unstuck. Push…

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