Archive for 'Brazilian News'
Brazilian states: Piauí Posted by carol on Apr 30, 2021

Bom dia queridos leitores, it’s that time of the month: our ongoing series on Estados Brasileiros (Brazilian states). Our destino (destination) today may not be the one that would normally feature a list of the 10 most sought after lugares (places) in our country, however it is a region that boasts many belezas (beauties). One…
Talking about the vaccine in Portuguese – Part 2 Posted by carol on Apr 23, 2021

Feliz sexta-feira, amigos leitores! We are back with the second part of our text on palavras relacionadas à vacinação em português (words related to vaccination in Portuguese). If you missed the first, click here and stay on top of the terms we previously taught here. Então, vamos à segunda dose de nosso vocabulário? PRIORITÁRIO | PRIORITY…
Talking about the vaccine in Portuguese Posted by carol on Apr 13, 2021

Bom dia, amigos leitores! From the fim (end) of 2020, a buzzword has been making headlines worldwide: A vacina (the vaccine). For some, it represents a esperança (the hope) of getting back to normal with less risk, while for others, the jab remains under suspicion and even rejection. Whether you are a favor ou contra…
Women’s day special: Brazil’s most celebrated female author Posted by carol on Mar 15, 2021

Olá, amigos leitores! Segunda-feira passada (last Monday) was Dia Internacional das Mulheres (International Women’s Day) in many countries around the world. And to honor all the women in our lives, our text today will celebrate a maior escritora brasileira (the greatest Brazilian writer) and one of the most important names in 20th century world literature…
Amazonas is overwhelmed by Covid Posted by carol on Feb 11, 2021

A lot aconteceu (has happened) since the first surto (outbreak) of the new coronavirus in early 2020. The doença (disease) that we knew little about it a year ago is now incorporated into our everyday existence. As of mid-February 2021, about 106 million people have contracted the virus, and just over 2 million and 300,000…
Have you tried Brazilian natives cuisine? Posted by carol on Jan 21, 2021

Sateré-Mawé, Tukano, Kuikuro, Tupi, Mbya, Matipu, Xikrin, Waiwai, Yanomami, Xingu and Yawanawá. These names probably don’t sound familiar to you, do they? Well, you are not alone, as many Brazilians are able to recognize only a few of them, if any. These are the names of some of the more than three hundred grupos indígenas…
What did Brazilians Google the most in 2020? Posted by carol on Jan 14, 2021

Olá amigos leitores! We finally said adeus (goodbye) to 2020, certainly one of the most atypical years in modern history, where many of us spend most of our time almost exclusively inside our houses. Confinement led us to change our routines and come up with ways not only to trabalhar (work), but also to entertain…