German Language Blog

German Nationalparks – Part 10: Hainich Posted by on May 20, 2016 in Culture, Holidays, Language

In previous months, we have already explored a large part of the geschützte Schönheit (protected beauty) of German nature. We went to the windige Küsten (windy shores) of the Wattenmeer, the eindrucksvolle Felsen (impressive rocks) of the Sächsische Schweiz, the Jahrhunderte alten Wälder  (centuries old forests) of the Bayerischer Wald, the Erzminen (ore mines) in the Harz, the Tiger (tigers) roaming around in the Eifelthe Tausend Seen (thousand lakes) of Müritz, the hohe Gebirge (high mountain ranges) of Berchtesgaden, and the atemberaubende Natur (stunning nature) of the Schwarzwald. Lastly, we discovered the bedrohten Kreidefelsen (threatened chalk cliffs) of Jasmund.

It is time for another central park, just south from the Harz: the small Nationalpark Hainich.

The National Parks in Germany (Image by Lencer at under license CC BY SA 3.0)

Der Nationalpark Hainich

Established on December 31, 1997, Nationalpark Hainich is the thirteenth park in Germany, and the only one in Bundesland Thüringen (Federal State Thuringa). The primary reason the park was established is its Buchenurwald (primeval beech forest). In its short existence, it has helped to raise awareness of the region Hainich, and it attracts a lot more tourists now. It is a huge piece of nature in the middle of Germany, and is one of the two German National Parks that has a Baumkronenpfad (canopy walkway). A lot of people like that!


Wer im Leben schon immer mal hoch hinaus wollte, ist hier genau richtig: auf dem Baumkronenpfad im Nationalpark Hainich, mitten im Urwald. Der Nationalpark mit dem größten zusammenhängenden Laubwaldgebiet Deutschlands ist ein Beispiel dafür, wie sich Flora und Fauna entwickeln können, wenn der Mensch nicht forstwirtschaftlich eingreift. “Natur Natur sein lassen” lautet die Devise.

Den Naturfreunden sind in luftiger Höhe einmalige Ein- und Ausblicke garantiert.

Vierundvierzig (44) Meter über die Baumwipfel ragt der Baumturm mit Baumhaus. Vom Wanderparkplatz Thiemsburg sind es nur zehn (10) Minuten zu Fuß für alle, die den Wald, den vielfältigsten Lebensraum der Erde, und die Baumkronen von oben betrachten möchten. 


Whoever always wanted to get higher up in life, should look no further (lit.: is exactly right here): on the canopy walkway in National Park Hainich, in the middle of the primeval forest. The National Park with the largest connected deciduous forest area of Germany is an example for how Flora and Fauna can develop if humans (lit.: the human) does not interfere silviculturally. “Let nature be nature” is the motto.

In airy heights, unique insights and views are guaranteed for nature lovers.

Forty-four (44) meter (ca. 120 ft) above the treetops looms the tree tower with a tree house. From the Hiking parking site Thiemsburg it is only ten (10) minutes by foot for all who want to observe the forest, the most diverse biosphere of the Earth, and the treetops from above.

What is special about the Nationalpark Hainich?

Das Laubwaldgebiet

The National Park is located in the south of the Hainich, the largest connected deciduous forest area of Germany. Such primeval forests are not common anymore at all, because humans started cultivating land and building cities, and so the forests had to go out of the way.

Der Buchenwald

Buchenwald in the Nationalpark Hainich (Image by Huhu19 at under license CC BY SA 3.0)

Nationalpark Hainich serves primarily to protect its Buchenwald (beech forest). Its forest is also under a UNESCO Weltnaturerbe (World Heritage – Natural Site), in fact, the same one as the Buchenwald in Nationalpark Jasmund, which we discussed last time. These old beech forests are extremely rare nowadays, and the Nationalparks allow them to develop again in the way they did thousands of years ago.

Der Baumwipfelpfad

The Baumturm of the Baumkronenpfad. (Image by Michael Panse at under license CC BY ND 2.0)

Much like the Baumwipfelpfad (canopy walkway) with the amazing egg-shaped Baumturm (tree tower) in the Bayerischer Wald, which we have explored some weeks ago, Nationalpark Hainich also has a similar walkway. However, this one is not as long: it is only 500 m (1500 ft). Also, it is called the Baumkronenpfad, which is the same thing, but shows some geographical linguistic preferences they have in Thüringen compared to Bayern (Bavaria).

Nationalpark Hainich is a small park: klein aber fein (small but great), and offers a great way to just escape nature for some time. Would you like to visit?

If you are not convinced yet, I want to leave you with the following video:

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About the Author: Sten

Hi! I am Sten, both Dutch and German. For many years, I've written for the German and the Dutch blogs with a passion for everything related to language and culture. It's fascinating to reflect on my own culture, and in the process allow our readers to learn more about it! Besides blogging, I am a German-Dutch-English translator, animator and filmmaker.


  1. joyce constantine:

    Loved your national park series. Wish I could visit every one!

    • Sten:

      @joyce constantine Thanks, that’s always nice to hear! Keep reading too, there are still some coming!