Arabic Language Blog

Something will remain between us; Farouk Gweedah Posted by on May 31, 2015 in Arabic Language, Culture, Vocabulary

    Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Today, I am presenting a very touching love poem. It is called “Something will remain between us شــيءٌ ســيــبــقــى بــيــنــنــا“. The poem was written by the great contemporary Egyptian poet and writer Farouk Gweedah فــاروق جــويــدة . He is famous all over the Arab world. Gweedah has written a lot of poetry of different topics. His love poems are very beautiful with very delicate words though they reflect that agony and suffering of the poet and lover. I made the English translation for the poem and I hope that you will like it.

Something will remain between us; Farouk Gweedah via goodreads

Something will remain between us; Farouk Gweedah via goodreads

شــيءٌ ســَــيــَــبــقــى بــَــيــْــنــَــنــا

Something will remain between us

أريــحــيــنــي عــلــى صــدركِ

Let me rest on your chest

لأنــي مــتــعــب مــثــلــكِ

Because I am tried just like you

دعــي اِســمــي و عــنــوانــي و مــاذا كــنــتُ

Let away my name, my address and what I was

ســنــيــنُ الــعــمــر تــخــنــقــهــا دروبُ الــصــمــتِ

The years of my life are strangle by silence routes

و جــئــتُ إلــيــكِ لا أدري لــمــاذا جــئــتُ

And I came to you not knowing why

فــخــلــفَ الــبــابِ أمــطــارٌ تــطــاردنــي

Behind the door, rains are chasing me

شــتــاءٌ قــاتــمُ الأنــفــاسِ يــخــنــقــنــي

A winter with dark breaths is strangling me

و أقــدامٌ بــلــونِ الــلــيــلِ تــســحــقــنــي

And feet with night colors are smashing me

و لــيــس لــديّ أحــبــابٌ

And I have no lovers

و لا بــيــتٌ لــيــؤويــنــي مــن الــطــوفــان

Nor a house to shelter me from the flood

و جــئــتُ إلــيــكِ تــحــمــلــنــي

And I came to you borne by

ريــاحُ الــشــكّ .. لــلإيــمــانِ

The winds of doubt .. for faith

فــهــَــلْ أرتــاحُ بــعــض الــوقــت فــي عــيــنــيــكِ

So, can I rest for a while in your eyes?

أَمْ أمــضــي مــع الأحــزان

Or shall I go with sorrows?

و هــَــلْ فــي الــنــاس مــَــنْ يــُــعــطــي

Is there anyone who gives

بــلا ثــمــنٍ  .. بــلا دَيــْــنٍ .. بــلا مــيــزانِ؟

Without  price .. without a debt .. without scales?

أريــحــيــنــي عــلــى صــدركِ

Let me rest on your chest

لأنــي مــتــعــبٌ مــثــلــكِ

Because I am tired just like you

غــدًا نــمــضــي كــمــا جــئــنــا ..

Tomorrow, we shall go as we came

و قــد نــنــســى بــريــقَ الــضــوءِ و الألــوانِ

And we may forget the brightness of light and colors

و قــد نــنــســى اِمــتــهــانَ الــســجــنِ و الــســجــَّــانِ ..

We might forget the humiliation of the prison and the prison guard

و قــد نــهــفــو إلــى زمــنٍ بــلا عــنــوانِ  

And we may long for a time with no address

و قــد نــنــســى و قــد نــنــســى

We might forget and forget

فــلا يــبــقــى لــنــا شــيءٌ لــنــذكــرهُ مــع الــنــســيــانِ

So that nothing remains to be remembered with forgetting

و يــكــفــي أنــنــا يــومــًا .. تــلاقــيــنــا بــلا اِســتــئــذانِ

And it is enough that we – someday- had met without a permission

زمــانُ الــقــهـــرِ عــَــلــّــمــَــنــا

The age of suppression has taught us

بــأنَّ الــحــُــبَّ ســُــلــطــانٌ بــلا أوْطـــانِ ..

That love is a Sultan with no home

و أنَّ مــَــمــَــالــكَ الــعــشــّــاق أطــلالٌ

And that the lovers’ kingdoms are just ruins

و أضــرحــةٌ مــِــنَ الــحــرمــَــانِ

And tombs made of deprivation

و أنَّ بــحــارَنــَــا صــارت بــلا شــُـــطــْـــآنِ ..

And that our seas turned with no shores

و لــيــسَ الآنَ يــعــنــيــنــا ..

And now we do not care

إذا مــَــا طــالــت الأيــَّـــامُ

Whether the days are long

أمْ جــنــحــتْ مــع الــطــوفــانِ ..

Or whether they go with the flood

فــيــكــفــي أنــنــا يــومــًا تــمــردنــا عــلــى الأحــزانِ

It is enough that we – someday – had rejected the sorrows

و عــِــشــْــنــا الــعــمــرَ ســَــاعــَــاتٍ

And lived our life for hours

فــلــَــمْ نــقــبــض لــهــا ثــمــنــًا

And we were not paid

و لــَــمْ نــدفــع لــهــا دَيــْـــنـــًا ..

And we paid no debt

و لــَــمْ نــحــســبْ مــشــاعــِــرَنــا

And We did not calculate our feelings

كــَــكــُــلّ الــنــَّــاسِ .. فــي الــمــيــزانِ

Like all people .. on the scales


More poems of Gweedah:


Check us back soon 

Peace ســَـــلام /Salam/

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About the Author: Fisal

Well, I was born near the city of Rasheed or Rosetta, Egypt. Yes, the city where the Rosetta Stone was discovered. It is a small city on the north of Egypt where the Nile meets the Mediterranean. I am a Teacher of EFL.


  1. Muhamed Huseinbašić:

    Congratulations! God bless you. 🙂

  2. Nadine:

    Salaam Br,

    Thank you for taking the time to translate these beautiful poems.

    Very much appreciated especially for the non Arabic speakers.