German Nationalparks – Part 11: Kellerwald-Edersee Posted by Sten on May 31, 2016 in Culture, Holidays
In previous months, we have already explored a large part of the geschützte Schönheit (protected beauty) of German nature. We went to the windige Küsten (windy shores) of the Wattenmeer, the eindrucksvolle Felsen (impressive rocks) of the Sächsische Schweiz, the Jahrhunderte alten Wälder (centuries old forests) of the Bayerischer Wald, the Erzminen (ore mines) in the Harz, the Tiger (tigers) roaming around in the Eifel, the Tausend Seen (thousand lakes) of Müritz, the hohe Gebirge (high mountain ranges) of Berchtesgaden, and the atemberaubende Natur (stunning nature) of the Schwarzwald. We discovered the bedrohten Kreidefelsen (threatened chalk cliffs) of Jasmund. Last time, we visited Hainich, and its Alte Buchen (old beeches).
Moving to the next park, not far from Hainich, is Kellerwald-Edersee.
Der Nationalpark Kellerwald-Edersee
On January 1, 2004 the Buchenwälder (beech forests) south of the Edersee became officially a Nationalpark, and was opened on May 25 of the same year. Much like park Hainich that we discussed last time, this park was primarily founded to protect the old Buchenwälder found here.
The name Kellerwald-Edersee comes from the two parts that the Nationalpark encompasses. There is the Kellerwald (“Cellar Forest”), which includes the ancient Buchenwälder the park seeks to protect. And there is the Edersee, a lake right above the park. It is not included in the Nationalpark, but is still an important Point of Interest, and so it is included in the name.
The Nationalpark is also part of the larger Naturpark Kellerwald-Edersee (Nature Park Kellerwald-Edersee).
What is special about the Nationalpark Kellerwald-Edersee?
Der Buchenwald
Nationalpark Kellerwald-Edersee serves primarily to protect its Buchenwald (beech forest). Just like the parks Hainich and Jasmund, the forest in Nationalpark Kellerwald-Edersee is under the same UNESCO Weltnaturerbe (World Heritage – Natural Site). These old beech forests are extremely rare nowadays, and the Nationalparks allow them to develop again in the way they did thousands of years ago. Predominantly, it is the Rotbuche (European beech) that grows in park Kellerwald-Edersee.
Der Edersee

The Staumauer (dam wall) at the Edersee. (Image by Dirk Schmidt at under license CC BY SA 3.0)
Even though it is slightly outside of the park, the Edersee is still definitely worth a visit and should be mentioned. It has an impressive Staudamm (dam) with an interesting history and boat tours on the lake. There is also another Baumkronenpfad (treetop walkway), which we have also seen in other Nationalparks. You cannot really miss out on the Edersee while visiting the Nationalpark!
Would you like to visit? Any comments, questions, remarks? Let me know in the comments below or shoot me a message on Facebook by clicking on the button below!

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About the Author: Sten
Hi! I am Sten, both Dutch and German. For many years, I've written for the German and the Dutch blogs with a passion for everything related to language and culture. It's fascinating to reflect on my own culture, and in the process allow our readers to learn more about it! Besides blogging, I am a German-Dutch-English translator, animator and filmmaker.